Kashmir: FSD Department Conducts On-Site Checks for Artificial Colors in Watermelons

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Kashmir: FSD Department Conducts On-Site Checks for Artificial Colors in Watermelons

In a bid to uphold food safety standards amidst concerns circulating on social media, the Food Safety team of Anantnag took proactive measures by conducting on-the-spot tests on watermelon samples. More than 30 samples were scrutinized for artificial colors using the Mobile Food Testing Van (MFTV) during a comprehensive market inspection.

Fortunately, the results revealed that none of the samples tested positive for artificial colors, alleviating fears surrounding the availability of artificially ripened watermelons in the market, especially during the holy month of Ramadan.

The inspection, which targeted Food Business Operators (FBOs) at Fruit and Vegetable Mandi Ashajipora and Batengoo Anantnag, emphasized adherence to fair trade practices and warned against any malpractice.

Furthermore, the team collected 25 additional samples of fresh fruits and vegetables for further analysis in the Public Health Laboratory, J&K. To enhance consumer awareness, efforts were made to educate the public on detecting artificial colors through rapid home testing.

Authorities reiterated their commitment to ongoing inspections to uphold food safety and quality standards. FBOs were sternly reminded to comply with the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, and relevant regulations.

Recent reports on social media raised concerns about the influx of artificially ripened watermelons in Kashmir markets ahead of Ramadan. Such worries prompted calls from health professionals like Dr. Wajahat to avoid chemically treated fruits during the holy month.

During Ramadan, the consumption of fruits, particularly watermelon, surges in the valley, prompting heightened vigilance against artificially ripened produce.

The Deputy Commissioner of the J&K Drug and Food Control Organization assured the public of routine market checks across all districts of Kashmir to safeguard consumers from adulterated or contaminated produce.

Reassuringly, no reports of fruit adulteration have surfaced thus far, with officials attributing the presence of watermelons to varying ripening seasons across the country. Rigorous testing for pesticides and chemicals yielded negative results, indicating compliance with safety standards.

Emphasizing a strategic approach, officials highlighted tailored inspection drives based on commodities and seasonal variations. J&K’s consistent top ranking in the Food Safety Index over the past three years underscores its commitment to maintaining exemplary food safety standards in the Union Territory.

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